Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle now a days typically encompasses a combination of regular exercise, balanced nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management, and avoiding harmful habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. Here are some key components: 1. Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity into daily routines is crucial….
Healthy Diet Food Plan
Crafting a Nutrient-Rich Healthy Diet Food Plan Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy diet is essential for overall well-being. A nutrient-rich diet not only fuels our bodies but also supports optimal functioning and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Crafting a well-balanced food…
Planning a Healthy Diet
A good diet shout supply just enough nutrients for growth, repairs and chemical processes, and give ample energy for daily task. The energy derived from food is measure in calories. To maintain a stable weight, 15 calories a day are needed for every pound (0.45kg)…
Vegetable Lasagne
Ingredients: Garlic 2 bulbs Olive oil 2 tbsp. Onion, peeled and chopped 1 Courgettes, trimmed and diced 9 oz. Mushrooms, wiped and finely sliced 9 oz. Shelled fresh peas 5 oz. Lemon juice 2 tsp. Cayenne pepper …
Linguine with Peas and Tuna
Ingredients: Fresh homemade linguine 10 oz. Olive oil 1 tbsp. I level tablespoon plain four 1 tbsp. Skimmed milk 1/2 pint Frozen peas 7 oz. Rinned tuna in oil, drained and flaked 7 oz. Grated Parmesan cheese …
Farfalle with Broccoli and Nuts
Ingredients: l4oz (4009) broccoli, trimmed 14 oz. Olive oil 1 tbsp. Garlic, peeled and finely chopped 2 Ripe tomatoes, peeled, de-seeded and chopped 2lb Seedless sultanas, chopped 2 tbsp. Cayenne pepper 1/2 tsp. Pine…
Cannelloni with Ricotta and Spinach
Ingredients: Olive oil 1 tbsp. Onion, peeled and chopped 1 2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 2 Chopped fresh basil 1 tbsp. Dried marjoram 1/2 tsp. Freshly ground black pepper Tinned peeled tomatoes …
Cannelloni with Chicken
Ingredients: Shelled walnuts, finely chopped 2 oz. Cooked chicken without skin or bone minced or finely chopped, 6 oz. Ground mace 1/4 tsp. Ricotta cheese 4 oz. Cottage cheese 4 oz. Ready-to-use cannelloni 12 tubes Polyunsaturated margorine 1…
Spicy Beans on Toast
Ingredients: Olive oil 2 tbsp Green sticks celery, trimmed and chopped 2 Red onion chopped 1 Curry powder 2 tsp. Thyme 1 tbsp. Cooked barlotti, cannellini beans, drained and mashed 14 oz. Crusty bread 4 slices ONE SERVING: Calories 280 Total…
Scrambled Eggs Benedict
Ingredients: Polyunsaturated margarine 1 oz. Plain flour 1/2 oz. Chicken stock 225 ml Lemon juice 1 tbsp. Freshly ground black pepper Eggs 4 Skimmed milk 2 tbsp. Boiled ham 4 slices Wholemeal bread 4 slices Chopped fresh…
Healthy Lifestyle
In Healthy LifestyleHealthy Diet Food Plan
In Diet PlansPlanning a Healthy Diet
In Healthy LifestyleVegetable Lasagne
In Recipes